There is & There are

The Discussion in Nurul Fajar Boarding School
Musyawaroh di Nurul Fajar

By. Dev. Mulani 2008.


There is a meeting in Nurul Fajar boarding school this Tuesday morning. It is a meeting of some the leaders of Nurul Fajar. There are Mr. Adzom, Mr. Iskandar and Mr. Kholis, the general leaders Mr. Taryim, Mr. Toyib and Mr. Lutfi and education Unit : Mr. Jayad, Mrs. Tati Finayati and Mr. Edi Ruaedi. KH. Abdul Aziz is there too. As usual he acts as an advisor
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss increasing of learning program in Nurul Fajar, besides sentries can be control/understand a religion study, also competence in Arabic conversation, and English conversation. then the meeting is began. And Mr. Adom says, “Who will be tutors?” Mr. Jay answers. “Well, there are many people here in Nurul Fajar who can be tutors”. “You too can be a tutor Yad”, Pak Kyai says, surely Adom can help santris to get a dictionary”. Ok Mr. Jay says.
“So everything is settled then”, says Pa kyai. Let's execute our planning as soon as possible." “Well" everyone agree, "Mr. Taryim would you tell to all Nurul Fajar santries to join English conversation course?”. Ok, with pleasure Pa kyia Mr. Taryim answers.

Ada sebuah pertemuan di pondok Nurul Fajar pagi selasa ini, ini adalah pertemuan para pengurus Nurul Fajar. Ada Pak Muadom, Pak Is dan Pa Kholis, pengurus umum ada Pak Taryim, Pak Toyib dan Pak Lutfi dan di unit pendidikan ada Pak Jay, Ibu Tati, dan Pak Edi Ruaedi. Pak kyai ada juga seperti biasa beliau bertindak sebagai penasehat.
Tujuan rapatnya adalah mendiskusikan peningkatan kegiatan pembelajaran di Nurul Fajar, disamping/selain santri bisa menguasai/memehami pelajaran Agama, juga cakap dalam percakapan B. Arab percakapan B. Inggris. Kemudian rapatpun dimulai. Mr. Adom berkata “Siapa yang akan jadi tutor? Mang Jayad jawab: “ Ya banyak orang yang bisa jadi tutor?. Kamu juga bisa jadi tutor Yad? PaK Kyai berkata, dan Adom pasti bisa  membantu dalam pengadaan kamus.
Jadi semuanya sudah beres kalau begitu, says Pa Kyai
Says Mari kita laksanakan  program kita secepat mungkin!". baik semua menyetujuinya. "Mr. Taryim tolong anda sampaikan ke seluruh santri Nurul Fajar untuk mengikuti les percakapan B. Inggris!” Enggih Pa kyai.”

Grammar Focus :
Pola struktur kalimat dengan THERE is/ THERE are

There is/there are : Ada
1.    There is a + kata benda tunggal
Contoh : there is a pen in your pencil case
2.    There is + Kata Benda Tak Terbilang :
Contoh : there is sugar in the teapot.
3.    There are + Kata benda Jamak :
      Contoh : there are five books in my bag

Jika bentuk negatif  kalimat-kalimat diatas menjadi :

1.    There is no pen in your pencil case
2.    There is no sugar in the teapot/ there isn’t any sugar in the teapot
3.    There are no something in my mind/ there aren’t anything in my  mind

Pola struktur kalimat tanya (kalimat interogatif) there is/ there are

1. Is there a letter on her table?
2. Are there any pencils in your pencil case?

Pola Kalimat tanya negatif

1. Isn’t there any money for me?
2. Aren’t there any mistakes in my job?


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