Showing posts with the label Kosa KataShow All
Daily Routines | Slide | Teddy's Day | #Quizizz
Terrible Headache | Sakit Kepala Parah
The Daily Sentences | Aktivitas Harian | Part II
a Rainy Day | Hari Hujan
Exciting Day at the Park | Hari yang Asyik di Taman
LONDON | Inggris
My Favorite Subject | Pelajaran Kesukaan Ku
My Mother | Ibu Ku
My Parents | Orang Tua Ku
Going to the Dentist | Pergi ke Dokter Gigi
a Good Student | Siswa yang Baik
A Day at School | Suatu Hari di Sekolah
My Friends at School | Teman Ku di Sekolah
Cooking with My Mom | Masak Bersama Ibu
Morning | Pagi
Chocolate Cake | Kue Coklat
Vegetables | Sayur Mayur
Healthy Foods
My Hobbies | Hobi - Hobi Ku
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