What are you doing tomorrow?

What are you doing tomorrow?

A          : Hi Bill, this is Jack

B          : Hi Jack, what are you doing?

A          : Nothing, What are you doing?

B          : Oh, I am just watching TV

A          : What are you doing tomorrow?

B          : Tomorrow I am going fishing

A          : Fishing?, Where are you going fishing?

B          : I am going fishing at dig lake,

A          : What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?

B          : After fishing I am going to my mother’s house

A          : What are you going to do at your mother’s house?

B          : I am going to paint my mother’s house

A          : What about tomorrow evening? What are you doing tomorrow evening?

B          : Tomorrow evening I am going to go to party

A          : Where is the party?

B          : The party is at Tom’s house

A          : Tom house?

B          : Yeah, Hi Jack what are you doing tomorrow?

A          : Nothing, I’ll never do anything, I am so bored,

B          : Well, I have to go Jack,

A          : Sure Bill, see you, have fun..

B          : Bye


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