The Daily Sentences (part II)

Let's Practice!

1. Please come in!                                                                               
    = Thank you very much
2. Hello my name is Matt                                                                    
    = Hi ! my name is Steve
3. Are you all right? (apakah baik-baik saja?)                                  
    = Yes, thank you
4. Would you like one? Maukah kamu satu?/ kamu ma satu?          
    = No, thank you
5. Can I help you?                                                                              
    = Yes, please
6. Excuse me,                                                                                     
    = Yes?
7. Here you are/here it is                                                                    
    = Thank you
8. Is this yours? (ini punya kamu?)                                                      
    = No, it’s not
9. What time is it? (jam berapa?)                                                        
    = It’s 3:00 o’clock
10. Where is the restroom? (dimana ruang istirahat?)                    
    = It’s over there (di sebelah sana)
11. Would you like some? (Maukah kamu (beberapa)                     
    = That would be great!
12. What are you doing? (Lagi apa?)                                              
    = I am fixing my bicycle
13. You go first! (Kamu duluan!)                                                      
    = No, you go first!
14. Here is your cupcake! (Ini, kue mu!)                          
    = But, I ordered a pie (tapi saya pesanya KuePai 
15. It’s cold today! (Atis, dina kein!)                         
   = I know, I am freezing, Weru gah reang beku!
16. After you! (setelah kamu!)                                            
   = Thanks you’re such a gentleman : Terima kasih Anda begitu sopan
17. Fill it up! (Isien)                                                                            
   = You got it! 
18. This is delicious! (Ini sedap!)                                                       
   = I am glad you like it! : saya senang anda menyukainya!
19. What a lovely evening! (betapa menyenangkan malam ini!)     
   = It sure is!
20. Goodbye                                                                    
   = See you                                                        

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